Together we can end cervical cancer
Be part of the story that ends cervical cancer

How does the story end?
Cervical cancer can now be prevented through vaccination against human papillomavirus (HPV), cervical screening and early treatment of cell changes. The end is close, but we’re not there yet. Together, we must call for the Government to act:
- Extend free cervical screening to all eligible
- Fully fund an equitable Cervical Cancer Elimination Strategy
- Urgently increase access to HPV vaccination among school children to reach uptake of 90%

The heroes who have helped so far...
We've hit 2,100... help us reach 3,000!
By signing here, your name and a chorus of others will appear as heroes in our story.
The book will be delivered to Government, calling for action. Together we can write the final chapter on cervical cancer.
Tom Buick-Constable, Rachel Rider, Lulu, Stephanie Heaver, Brylee Knowles, Carolyn Ark, Sharyn Thornfield, Rachel Aynsley, Karen Winters, Frances Calvin, Carly McDowell, Bridgette Thomas, Kiri Allan, Tracey Harris, Elize Main, Alyson Bowker, Tracey Fausett, Gina Staples, Moonisah Mehter, Makayla Bray, Camilla Althoehn, Lochies South to North Adventure Skiing, Stephen Peapell, Sue Revell, Janet Sykes, Sean Hindson, Erin Gardner, Anna O'Dea, Kale Newman, Blaire Shadforth, Ether Fidgeon, Usha Sunkaran, Gerard Earl, Rev Rianjohn, Te Runanga o Ngati Pikiao, Chynelle Williams, Kylah Pere, National Bowel Screening - Te Tai Tokerau, Keri Edge, Louise Halloran, Natasha Donovan, Sally Reid, Kelsi Murray, C.G., Scott Jones, Deb, Karen Gray, Hana Yim, Margaret Foster, Maree Burrell
Hero partners

Hero organisations

About cervical cancer
Cervical cancer is almost entirely caused by HPV. Through vaccination, screening and treatment, we have the power to eliminate it within our lifetime.
To bring this campaign to life, we’re creating a book about the defeat of cervical cancer – but it’s incomplete without you. We know how the story starts and how it should end. But it’s missing the middle – the part where the heroes save the day. We need heroes (like you!) to help end cervical cancer in Aotearoa New Zealand. We’re calling on you and the NZ public to support our push for Government action by adding your name to our book.
Be a hero, sign the book.
What is the goal of this campaign?
We want to show the Government that there is public support for action to eliminate cervical cancer. We’re asking the Government to commit to:
- extend free cervical screening to all who are eligible
- fully funded, equitable Cervical Cancer Elimination Strategy
- urgently increase access to HPV vaccination among school children to reach uptake of 90%
We plan to hand the book with all the names of heroes who have signed it to the Government, calling for commitment and action.
Why is cervical cancer now preventable?
The human papillomavirus (HPV) causes almost all cases of cervical cancer. The good news is that we now have the tools we need to eliminate cervical cancer. We can prevent cervical cancer through: HPV vaccination, cervical screening and treatment of abnormal cervical cell changes. If all women and people with a cervix can access these three things, cervical cancer will be eliminated within our lifetime.
How many people develop cervical cancer in NZ?
Approximately 175 women develop cervical cancer and around 55 die from it each year in New Zealand. Māori face inequitable rates of cervical cancer and are almost twice as likely as non-Māori to be diagnosed with cervical cancer, and 2 times more likely to die from it.
Does elimination mean there will never be another case of cervical cancer again?
New Zealand has committed to the World Health Organization goal to eliminate cervical cancer as public health problem. To eliminate cervical cancer, all countries must reach and maintain an incidence rate of below 4 per 100 000 women. Achieving that goal relies on three key pillars and their corresponding targets:
- vaccination: 90% of girls fully vaccinated with the HPV vaccine by the age of 15;
- screening: 70% of women screened using a high-performance test by the age of 35, and again by the age of 45;
- treatment: 90% of women with pre-cancer treated and 90% of women with invasive cancer managed.
Each country should meet the 90–70–90 targets by 2030 to get on the path to eliminate cervical cancer within the next century.
Did I cause my cancer/am I to blame for developing cancer?
Absolutely not. You did not cause this cancer.
HPV is a group of very common viruses that infect about four out of five people at some time in their lives. They are passed on by intimate skin-to-skin contact and sexual intercourse. About 4 out of 5 adults will have HPV at some time in their lives. While HPV often clears up by itself, it can stay dormant in your system and may not be detected until years after you come into contact with it. People with HPV usually do not have symptoms and don’t know they have it.
What about other cancers, can we eliminate them?
The ability to eliminate cervical cancer is a unique opportunity because there is a vaccine to prevent the infection related to cervical cell changes, a screening tool that looks for that infection, and effective treatments for those early cell changes. This is not the case for other sorts of cancer, which is why this is such a unique opportunity and too good to miss!
Why is the HPV vaccination important?
Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination protects against high-risk types of HPV that can cause cervical, vaginal, penis, anus, mouth and throat cancer.
This vaccine is safe, very effective and free for people aged 9 to 26 years. HPV vaccinations are provided to primary school-age children at participating schools. If children miss their vaccination in Year 8, vaccination is still available free through GPs and pharmacies until they turn 27.
Just 65% of the eligible population has received their first dose. We need to increase our HPV vaccination rates to over 90% to meet the WHO target.
Why is cervical screening important?
Cervical screening is one of the most important things you can do to prevent cervical cancer.
In September 2023, HPV primary screening became the new method for cervical screening in Aotearoa New Zealand, with the option to self-test.
HPV testing is a better first screening test than the smear test. From a vaginal swab, screening looks for presence of HPV, which causes cell changes that may lead to cervical cancer.
Having HPV does not mean you have cancer.
The HPV self-test is already having an impact with more people choosing to take it up.
Cervical screening is for anyone with a cervix aged 25-69. This could include women and trans men or nonbinary people who were assigned the female gender at birth. This also includes those who have had a hysterectomy where the cervix was not removed.
What is cervical cancer?
Cervical cancer is a cancer of the cervix, which sits at the lower part of the uterus (womb) in the female reproductive system.
Like the rest of your body, the cervix is made up of tiny 'building blocks' called cells.
Cervical cancer begins when these cells grow abnormally.
What causes cervical cancer?
Almost all cases of cervical cancer are caused by HPV.
Other risk factors for cervical cancer include:
- not having regular cervical screening
- tobacco use
- if you are on contraception (the pill) and have an HPV infection
- If your mother was given a synthetic hormone (stilbestrol) during pregnancy, used from 1940 to the 1970s. If so, you may need annual check-ups.
What are the signs and symptoms of cervical cancer?
Signs and symptoms of cervical cancer may include:
- vaginal bleeding between periods or after menopause
- vaginal bleeding after sex
- pain during sex
- vaginal discharge that's not normal for you
- feeling tired and weak (fatigue)
- pain or swelling in your legs
- lower back pain
Having these symptoms does not mean you have cervical cancer, but it is important to have any changes checked by your doctor.
Often there are no signs of early-stage cervical cancer, which is why regular cervical screening is so important.
A teal and white ribbon is a symbol of awareness and support for people with cervical cancer.
The daffodil is recognised around the world as a symbol of hope for all people impacted by cancer.